Question 4. How do we know what we need?

The absolute most difficult part of a trainer's job is finding out what needs to be worked on. Without knowing what you don't know we would have a hard time with planning on how to attack the knowledge gap.

So we can help with that.

Bring us in to asses what is going on and maker recommendations.

This is one of the problems I have with CANNED solutions. Many people offer off the shelf training that is pre-boxed and formatted. Some things might apply, some may not. The format could be right for some not so right for others. In the end learning has benefits so something good happens. But is it enough?

I believe in research and analysis and driving training that fits the needs of the individuals and the business. Then creating something together that works best and has the most impact, not just immediate impact but applied training, coaching and mentoring with a results oriented focus so that the returns keep happening over time.