Question 5. How much does it cost?

As much as it needs to.

PRICE has no meaning except in the absence of VALUE.

Is training expensive, not nearly anywhere near as costly as not training.

One of the things we can offer is a training cost analysis so you know how much you are already losing to turn over and burn out and lack of engagement.

Once you quantify your current long range losses you can start to measure the value in training staff and developing a motivated and communicative culture.


It is the VALUE that should concern you. When you invest in value then you see continuing returns.

To be honest if you see training as a cost rather than an investment it might be really hard to have a conversation with us.

We can help you by direct training and coaching, through research and data analysis, project management and strategy development as well as training your training team. We can even help you build one from scratch.

Let's calculate your losses first so you know how much there is to gain by investing in your people.