
Executive coaching and life coaching are two of the same thing. You are not separate from you. You go to work you come home you are supposed to have work life balance and you are really really wanting to enjoy it all.

So Executive coaching is primarily facilitation of a system of checks and balances. It is less about trying to enhance the great skills that brought a person into leadership in the first place and much more about removing the obstacles that can affect efficiency.

Learning better and cleaner ways to problem solve and make some decisions without worrying about if you made the best choice can really save you a lot of time in the end. It takes discipline and commitment but executive coaches can round out skills that a leader needs to take his or her game from excellent to exceptional.


LIFE COACHING is probably one of the most powerful things you could do. Investing yourself in a person that is going to be there on your side. Help you reflect on the power you have and learn life hacks that will give you a powerful way to keep things running more smoothly. When they run will at home you have more time for work. When you learn skills that you can adapt for the home you typically learn things that can bring more efficiency to the workplace. Bill Gates suggests that you should have a coach.

Tiger Woods has a coach. It is not someone that is better than him but someone that is a game changer for him.

When you are ready to change your game in business or in life maybe it is time we should talk.