Strategic Business Solutions

You need to have a plan, and you need to work the plan. When that plan fails you should have a backup plan. Failure to plan is nothing more than planning to fail. So what is business strategy solutions? We are talking about not just coming up with one plan but to have a process to keep the plans coming. To have not just a day to day operations idea but a full ongoing big picture of the entire mission at a command and control level.

Having the ability to have a plan to reflect on allows leadership to measure current efforts and keep it aligned with the overall strategy. Decisions made without that reflection could steer the company off course.

Strategies for business have come from many sources. Suntzu's treatise THE ART OF WAR is without doubt one of the most respected ancient texts that continues to resonate today. The Founder of Shan Institute learned Musashi's BOOK OF FIVE RINGS and Suntzu's ART OF WAR in his youth as an aspect of his training in traditional martial arts. Applying this knowledge allowed him success in business and throughout life.

As a team lead in miltary intelligence the founder learned that a decision is only as good as the information that was used to make it. A total business strategy solution is a process of information gathering and analysis, a management of resources and project planning, and an execution of a strategy that incorporates the mission with the vision of the company.

We can offer perspective on single projects or look at you overall business strategy, Shan institute helps with the planning and the efforts it takes to make sure the managing of resources and the leadership of people are properly aligned to the goals you have have.